We have taken the incredibly difficult and heartbreaking decision to close our doors In West Kirby with immediate effect.

It's been one hell of a ride opening 10 days before the country went into lockdown, surviving by hosting weekly food markets, emerging from the  pandemic with unexpected debts and then crashing through the waves of the changing economic landscape these last few years. We've fought hard since we opened our doors but the time has come to say goodbye as the outlook for our fragile industry looks bleaker than ever.

Confidence, profit margins and reserves have all been eroded after years of relentless cost pressures including huge energy increases,
40-55% wage increases (from 2020 to April 2025), supply shortages, labour shortages, supplier price increases, business rate increases, more government red tape and in turn more administrative costs. There is only so much of these costs that can be passed on to the consumer or swallowed by ourselves, until the business becomes unsustainable.
We are extremely grateful for all the support and friendships we have made and will be sad to say goodbye to our team, regulars, Wirral community and lovely home. We’ve had some of the best times of our careers here and a particular highlight was meeting so many supportive customers at the lockdown food markets. ❤️

Thank you for being part of our story. We will miss you dearly.


If you currently have an event booked with us, we will be contacting you regarding this very soon; please bear with us as we work through this process as quickly as possible.

All of our other sites remain open as usual - we hope to see you soon.




what's on at west kirby



LEAF West Kirby.
19 Black Horse Hill
CH48 6DS

0151 558 0521